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Current flyer Safeway - Diwali - Valid from 20.10 to 26.10 - Page nb 10

Flyer Safeway 20.10.2022 - 26.10.2022

Products in this flyer

Poon e3 629 ferret Cora LUCERNE coetnec. Cottage 4 99 KRAFT Dips 2/$4 Chocolate Milk 6%? STARBUCKS Coffee g Creamer 828 mL 340g 750 mt * when you buy2 — 9 COMPLIMENTS 49 Io YOP Drinkable 99 ASTRO Yogurt 12 pk Cheddar-Style Slices STARBUCKS Iced av Yogurt 200 mt. or 10GO Canadian 410g Coffee 118-142 L B toyver. ©61.69ea Harvest 12 pk Ee r mh a Pree Shr) - 100 #s OASIS Pure Orange Juice 1.5L or Nature when you buy 2 orem (810) * when you buy 2 Collection Premium 9 COMPLIMENTS 9 LACTANTIA Premium 99 Tropical, Smoothies 49 Butter Sticks 454 g anaes Butter or Health Break SIMPLY Lemonade 136-175 Salted or Unsalted 250 1S4L ele ey when you buy 3 99 99 6 COMPLIMENTS 9 GREEN GIANT Veggie NATREL Mochi ice Frozen Waffles Tots, Spirals, Rings or LUCERNE Ice Milk 4 L Cream 210 mL 280 g. 8 pk Fries 340-454 g B - ‘neaur rm @ a when you buy 2 HEALTHY CHOICE when you buy 2 Simply Steamers 255-283 g or MARIE 369 COMPLIMENTS 2 99 MCCAIN Diced 4 9 Se HUNGRY.MAN 6 99 SWANSON Skillet Perogies 907 ¢ Hashbrowns 900 g XL Bowls Meals 595-652 g GARDEIN MEAT r s(olepary ra Alternatives 10 n we 190-390 g or Bowls COMPLIMENTS when you buy 2 241 g HEALTHY beiinal r Frozen Entrées CHOICE Power 7 selected 9 BOSTON MARKET Bowl, Entrées or 99 4 250-280 ¢ Frozen Entrées , _ Supréme Burger PILLSBURY Pizza ee 9S Sie 2.99 00 369-425 g ave 226g5.99¢a Pops 30 pk outings bret OLD EL PASO $ rtd ra y, | Beg Carla 125-334g AAAS ee tag elder eels Re ee Co Rt oy ee eet ee es Perera patentee een ore in eee et) next purchase of $40 or more

Latest flyers

Poon e3 629 ferret Cora LUCERNE coetnec. Cottage 4 99 KRAFT Dips 2/$4 Chocolate Milk 6%? STARBUCKS Coffee g Creamer 828 mL 340g 750 mt * when you buy2 — 9 COMPLIMENTS 49 Io YOP Drinkable 99 ASTRO Yogurt 12 pk Cheddar-Style Slices STARBUCKS Iced av Yogurt 200 mt. or 10GO Canadian 410g Coffee 118-142 L B toyver. ©61.69ea Harvest 12 pk Ee r mh a Pree Shr) - 100 #s OASIS Pure Orange Juice 1.5L or Nature when you buy 2 orem (810) * when you buy 2 Collection Premium 9 COMPLIMENTS 9 LACTANTIA Premium 99 Tropical, Smoothies 49 Butter Sticks 454 g anaes Butter or Health Break SIMPLY Lemonade 136-175 Salted or Unsalted 250 1S4L ele ey when you buy 3 99 99 6 COMPLIMENTS 9 GREEN GIANT Veggie NATREL Mochi ice Frozen Waffles Tots, Spirals, Rings or LUCERNE Ice Milk 4 L Cream 210 mL 280 g. 8 pk Fries 340-454 g B - ‘neaur rm @ a when you buy 2 HEALTHY CHOICE when you buy 2 Simply Steamers 255-283 g or MARIE 369 COMPLIMENTS 2 99 MCCAIN Diced 4 9 Se HUNGRY.MAN 6 99 SWANSON Skillet Perogies 907 ¢ Hashbrowns 900 g XL Bowls Meals 595-652 g GARDEIN MEAT r s(olepary ra Alternatives 10 n we 190-390 g or Bowls COMPLIMENTS when you buy 2 241 g HEALTHY beiinal r Frozen Entrées CHOICE Power 7 selected 9 BOSTON MARKET Bowl, Entrées or 99 4 250-280 ¢ Frozen Entrées , _ Supréme Burger PILLSBURY Pizza ee 9S Sie 2.99 00 369-425 g ave 226g5.99¢a Pops 30 pk outings bret OLD EL PASO $ rtd ra y, | Beg Carla 125-334g AAAS ee tag elder eels Re ee Co Rt oy ee eet ee es Perera patentee een ore in eee et) next purchase of $40 or more

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