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Current flyer Safeway - Valid from 05.01 to 11.01 - Page nb 5

Flyer Safeway 05.01.2023 - 11.01.2023

Products in this flyer

Your FRESH start to the New Year! y The fruit has an initial burst of cotton candy flavour that Enjoy a ofa TiLerel avg with our low to =m > recedes into amid. juicy ri sweetness. These green to light Dre rool) [olay a yellow seediess grapes are !ow aA in acid and pleasantly sweet es < without being overly sugary. eee Perfect for snacking! Large Red Mangoes & = 999 =. FIESTA Non-Alcoholic Margaritas 4x355 mL. COMPLIMENTS Baby-Cut Carrots product of USA 2 Ib Watermelon Honduras or Green or Red eS Pepper product ea when you buy 2 or more Large Avocados product of Mexico 5 pk KRONENBOURG Blanc Non-Alcoholic LOXTON Non-Alcoholic Wine 750 mt = gs Bf GROVI Dry Secco Non-Alcoholic Wine a7 me " Pom (910) = [herp fs . Pea }e = nes Protein ory % Blooming Sern BACARDI Martini = 6, Pepresoay % 99 moe 99 Mixers 750 mi. 1599 Cheon Caesar 0 vase Fresh Daily from Spring % Salad assorted sizs off Yogurt Bowls Mixed Bouquet & GET1 PANACHE Tonic Water ‘or Ginger Beer 4x200 mt. excluding deposit AE bulk a = = BIST coe 10°? : syne “40 vn «4.499 SREAT GIFT ID ! Our Gift Ca rds can be any amount.

Latest flyers

Your FRESH start to the New Year! y The fruit has an initial burst of cotton candy flavour that Enjoy a ofa TiLerel avg with our low to =m > recedes into amid. juicy ri sweetness. These green to light Dre rool) [olay a yellow seediess grapes are !ow aA in acid and pleasantly sweet es < without being overly sugary. eee Perfect for snacking! Large Red Mangoes & = 999 =. FIESTA Non-Alcoholic Margaritas 4x355 mL. COMPLIMENTS Baby-Cut Carrots product of USA 2 Ib Watermelon Honduras or Green or Red eS Pepper product ea when you buy 2 or more Large Avocados product of Mexico 5 pk KRONENBOURG Blanc Non-Alcoholic LOXTON Non-Alcoholic Wine 750 mt = gs Bf GROVI Dry Secco Non-Alcoholic Wine a7 me " Pom (910) = [herp fs . Pea }e = nes Protein ory % Blooming Sern BACARDI Martini = 6, Pepresoay % 99 moe 99 Mixers 750 mi. 1599 Cheon Caesar 0 vase Fresh Daily from Spring % Salad assorted sizs off Yogurt Bowls Mixed Bouquet & GET1 PANACHE Tonic Water ‘or Ginger Beer 4x200 mt. excluding deposit AE bulk a = = BIST coe 10°? : syne “40 vn «4.499 SREAT GIFT ID ! Our Gift Ca rds can be any amount.

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