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Current flyer Safeway - Valid from 10.11 to 16.11 - Page nb 12

Flyer Safeway 10.11.2022 - 16.11.2022

Products in this flyer

279 | COMPLIMENTS White or 100% B29 Een Sooner Card (99 SILVER HILLS SCHAR Gluten Free Whole Wheat Heel Smacks 77 Bread 430-680 g 6 4 Bread or Buns Bread 570g re F iy Tei. 5.49¢a 200-400 g ire 2.29¢a an Nett) Wear J when you buy 2 NATURE VALLEY QD Mid-size Grancia Bars 49 49 2/ $ MONEY'S Whole or selected varieties COMPLIMENTS Salsa KNORR Noodle Cup Sliced Mushrooms 340-525 g 650 mt 56-70 g 284 mL S ee bl ed a uh Le COMPLIMENTS 4 /. $ Deluxe Macaroni & 79 2 7 $° CAMPBELL'S 9 COMPLIMENTS Cheese 200 g or COMPLIMENTS Canned Rich & Thick Stock Strawberry or Bow! 58g Legumes 540 mL 500 mL. Raspberry Jam 1. i - wae 5 ae ee > :- 250 ry A 32 Pret ie) GENERAL MILLS A 4 Vernet oa 2 / 3559 JELL-O 4 99 POST Family Size 6 99 PANACHE 100% Pure 300-420 g 30-3 Cereal 340-725 g Maple Syrup 375 mL. when you buy 2 2/$SB conrrmerrs — FAD verrerareoos DIP carussvas 2/34 oa Apple Cups 6 pk 375 mL 410g 680 mL. ALLENS MONTANA'S BBO 4/$5 Graves cr suices 199 ALLEN’S White 4 99 BATON ROUGE BBO 249 ROGERS Icing, Brown 284-398 mL Vinegar 1. Sauce 450 mL or Yellow Sugar } kg = 1 4 Family ly ! a | =~ ess jar MELASSE ve ot culsine 49 40 LUCKY — 49 4 FLEISCHMANN’S COMPLIMENTS Pie Filling selected CROSBY'S Fancy Bread Booster 100 g or Yeast 113 g Graham Crumbs 1 kg varieties 540 mL Molasses 675 ¢ cn Ma! COMPLIMENTS Jasmine or Basmati KIKKOMAN Soy 8 % ‘ st 9 Rice 900 g of instant 99 Z9 Sauce Regular, Light 4 MINUTE RICE Long Grain Rice BEN’S ORIGINAL or Teriyaki Sauce 1.2-1.4 kgor TILDA 700 Converted Rice 907 g S91 mt Basmati Rice 907 g RECIPES, STORIES, TIPS & TRICKS

Latest flyers

279 | COMPLIMENTS White or 100% B29 Een Sooner Card (99 SILVER HILLS SCHAR Gluten Free Whole Wheat Heel Smacks 77 Bread 430-680 g 6 4 Bread or Buns Bread 570g re F iy Tei. 5.49¢a 200-400 g ire 2.29¢a an Nett) Wear J when you buy 2 NATURE VALLEY QD Mid-size Grancia Bars 49 49 2/ $ MONEY'S Whole or selected varieties COMPLIMENTS Salsa KNORR Noodle Cup Sliced Mushrooms 340-525 g 650 mt 56-70 g 284 mL S ee bl ed a uh Le COMPLIMENTS 4 /. $ Deluxe Macaroni & 79 2 7 $° CAMPBELL'S 9 COMPLIMENTS Cheese 200 g or COMPLIMENTS Canned Rich & Thick Stock Strawberry or Bow! 58g Legumes 540 mL 500 mL. Raspberry Jam 1. i - wae 5 ae ee > :- 250 ry A 32 Pret ie) GENERAL MILLS A 4 Vernet oa 2 / 3559 JELL-O 4 99 POST Family Size 6 99 PANACHE 100% Pure 300-420 g 30-3 Cereal 340-725 g Maple Syrup 375 mL. when you buy 2 2/$SB conrrmerrs — FAD verrerareoos DIP carussvas 2/34 oa Apple Cups 6 pk 375 mL 410g 680 mL. ALLENS MONTANA'S BBO 4/$5 Graves cr suices 199 ALLEN’S White 4 99 BATON ROUGE BBO 249 ROGERS Icing, Brown 284-398 mL Vinegar 1. Sauce 450 mL or Yellow Sugar } kg = 1 4 Family ly ! a | =~ ess jar MELASSE ve ot culsine 49 40 LUCKY — 49 4 FLEISCHMANN’S COMPLIMENTS Pie Filling selected CROSBY'S Fancy Bread Booster 100 g or Yeast 113 g Graham Crumbs 1 kg varieties 540 mL Molasses 675 ¢ cn Ma! COMPLIMENTS Jasmine or Basmati KIKKOMAN Soy 8 % ‘ st 9 Rice 900 g of instant 99 Z9 Sauce Regular, Light 4 MINUTE RICE Long Grain Rice BEN’S ORIGINAL or Teriyaki Sauce 1.2-1.4 kgor TILDA 700 Converted Rice 907 g S91 mt Basmati Rice 907 g RECIPES, STORIES, TIPS & TRICKS

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