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Current flyer Sobeys - Father's Day - Valid from 15.06 to 21.06 - Page nb 19

Flyer Sobeys 15.06.2023 - 21.06.2023

Products in this flyer

ome GOODCOOK BBO % quantities last we LAN Se ood 10) 0) Pa ye) 1199 IVORY SNOW Beads 422g when you buy? 1AMS Proactive Health Dog Food 15 kg. CREST Floss, Kid's Toothpaste or ORAL-B Toothbrushes 85 mL, 1eaorSOm selected Ped 1299 CAROL'S. DAUGHTER Haircare selected 118-355 mL Ivory SECRET, OLD SPICE or IVORY Deodorant 68-85 g, IVORY 1.035 L of OLD SPICE Hydro Wash 473 mL selected 499 s. c SENSODYNE =p SENSODYNE *475> 6” 6? 67? pet care ncn e ZIPLOC Storage, Sliders, Freezers Snack Compostable 49 or Sandwich Bags KLEENEX Facial 10-90 pk Tissue 6 pk NATURE'S bs) Oar ned SENSODYNE Repair and Protect or Rapid Relief 75 mL selected | reer she * a reer a] BIC Triple Blade Of HONEST CO 99 ranpers Razors selected Baby Toiletries Baby Wipes 4 pk or 8 pk 118-355 ml. 504-720 pk live® live Slean Clean we Ee ENFAMIL A+ Ready To Feed out PEDIASURE 99 Formula pinout Complete selected cera = 4x235 ML LIVE CLEAN Body 18x237 mt BABY GOURMET Food Jars or Purées selected 1010) Pn a without BEST BUY * Bathroom Tissue ors 12224 rolls or Paper Towel Jumbo 6 pk 799 SWIFFER Ory TIDE Pods Clothes 10-32 pk 99 85-112 pk or 9 COMPLIMENTS or Duster Refills Power Pods Laundry Detergent 6-10 pk selected 63 pk 137-1474 yen Se hed RECIPE in Broth COMPLIMENTS. Natural Dog Food 3/599 FRISKIES 7 9 Dry Cat Food 78g 229ea Lif Soups 34g 18-2 kg Ore ti) F-) Baby-Cleon ag 200 Fs Wash selected 500 mi. armacy : 200 ® Pn 5 ed TYLENOL Pain Relief 80-150 pk or MOTRIN 400 mg Liquid Gel 60 pk? COMPLIMENTS Anti Nausea Relief 10 of 30 pkt 15% yond eget 15% 15% GEE Bh ow SCENE* TODAY. mwrsecteine 500 &s when you buy 2 CLARITIN Allergy Relief 40-50 pk Or AERIUS 30 pkt 10% FRE 79°99 POISE Pads or ACCU-CHEK DEPEND Underwear Guide Test selected Strips 100 pk Oey available at Pnareneey Locations ALIGN Probiotics selected 21-28 pk oe ALWAYS 22 9 Discreet Pad or Underwear selected Accu-Chek Guide ‘Accu-Chek Guide meter free with purchase of 100 test strips, ‘see your pharmacist for details. (Limit of 1 Free Meter). ER Guide he he aeerton os ge Saw ee =

Latest flyers

ome GOODCOOK BBO % quantities last we LAN Se ood 10) 0) Pa ye) 1199 IVORY SNOW Beads 422g when you buy? 1AMS Proactive Health Dog Food 15 kg. CREST Floss, Kid's Toothpaste or ORAL-B Toothbrushes 85 mL, 1eaorSOm selected Ped 1299 CAROL'S. DAUGHTER Haircare selected 118-355 mL Ivory SECRET, OLD SPICE or IVORY Deodorant 68-85 g, IVORY 1.035 L of OLD SPICE Hydro Wash 473 mL selected 499 s. c SENSODYNE =p SENSODYNE *475> 6” 6? 67? pet care ncn e ZIPLOC Storage, Sliders, Freezers Snack Compostable 49 or Sandwich Bags KLEENEX Facial 10-90 pk Tissue 6 pk NATURE'S bs) Oar ned SENSODYNE Repair and Protect or Rapid Relief 75 mL selected | reer she * a reer a] BIC Triple Blade Of HONEST CO 99 ranpers Razors selected Baby Toiletries Baby Wipes 4 pk or 8 pk 118-355 ml. 504-720 pk live® live Slean Clean we Ee ENFAMIL A+ Ready To Feed out PEDIASURE 99 Formula pinout Complete selected cera = 4x235 ML LIVE CLEAN Body 18x237 mt BABY GOURMET Food Jars or Purées selected 1010) Pn a without BEST BUY * Bathroom Tissue ors 12224 rolls or Paper Towel Jumbo 6 pk 799 SWIFFER Ory TIDE Pods Clothes 10-32 pk 99 85-112 pk or 9 COMPLIMENTS or Duster Refills Power Pods Laundry Detergent 6-10 pk selected 63 pk 137-1474 yen Se hed RECIPE in Broth COMPLIMENTS. Natural Dog Food 3/599 FRISKIES 7 9 Dry Cat Food 78g 229ea Lif Soups 34g 18-2 kg Ore ti) F-) Baby-Cleon ag 200 Fs Wash selected 500 mi. armacy : 200 ® Pn 5 ed TYLENOL Pain Relief 80-150 pk or MOTRIN 400 mg Liquid Gel 60 pk? COMPLIMENTS Anti Nausea Relief 10 of 30 pkt 15% yond eget 15% 15% GEE Bh ow SCENE* TODAY. mwrsecteine 500 &s when you buy 2 CLARITIN Allergy Relief 40-50 pk Or AERIUS 30 pkt 10% FRE 79°99 POISE Pads or ACCU-CHEK DEPEND Underwear Guide Test selected Strips 100 pk Oey available at Pnareneey Locations ALIGN Probiotics selected 21-28 pk oe ALWAYS 22 9 Discreet Pad or Underwear selected Accu-Chek Guide ‘Accu-Chek Guide meter free with purchase of 100 test strips, ‘see your pharmacist for details. (Limit of 1 Free Meter). ER Guide he he aeerton os ge Saw ee =

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