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Current flyer Sobeys - Valentine's Day - Valid from 09.02 to 15.02 - Page nb 5

Flyer Sobeys 09.02.2023 - 15.02.2023

Products in this flyer

<CHEER- WORTHY APPS Big wins in. every bite! . eee ear rset eer? Genus Rees et waa nen tse) gaa & eae BCD ur eT Ruaie-stg Sey Panne se Bie a ‘ wT SL Wee y ee : 8 z 100s 3 | R Fresh Pork Loin Back Logg piri ‘COMPLIMENTS or PANACHE Meat or Seafood Appetizers, Meatballs Egg Rolls of Spring ROMs 200-691 g starting at 5 Prepared Fresh Daily in-Store Mango Salsa, Prepared Fresh Daily In-Store (Q Pincapple Salsa Fruit or Vegetable Celebration or Guacamole Dip Trays 950 g-1.3 kg 4 assorted sizes Cheer for sides to savour! Ca susie @ ORGANIC 4 sinkerques é i=] TO Nensce AM ccd SP ome Hash Browns 625-650 g Meals 1.19 kg ORGANIC Fries 454 g O99 compuments Cheese 4 HELUVA GOOD! Dip GyPerxe 399¢a » = orm omens ne — ae / aN i SH YRS 5 fe ee COMPLIMENTS Potato OLD DUTCH Potato DORITOS Tortilla Chips ! Chips or Extraaal Flavour Chips 10-28 GSS Chips 200 2 279-2.99 ea

Latest flyers

<CHEER- WORTHY APPS Big wins in. every bite! . eee ear rset eer? Genus Rees et waa nen tse) gaa & eae BCD ur eT Ruaie-stg Sey Panne se Bie a ‘ wT SL Wee y ee : 8 z 100s 3 | R Fresh Pork Loin Back Logg piri ‘COMPLIMENTS or PANACHE Meat or Seafood Appetizers, Meatballs Egg Rolls of Spring ROMs 200-691 g starting at 5 Prepared Fresh Daily in-Store Mango Salsa, Prepared Fresh Daily In-Store (Q Pincapple Salsa Fruit or Vegetable Celebration or Guacamole Dip Trays 950 g-1.3 kg 4 assorted sizes Cheer for sides to savour! Ca susie @ ORGANIC 4 sinkerques é i=] TO Nensce AM ccd SP ome Hash Browns 625-650 g Meals 1.19 kg ORGANIC Fries 454 g O99 compuments Cheese 4 HELUVA GOOD! Dip GyPerxe 399¢a » = orm omens ne — ae / aN i SH YRS 5 fe ee COMPLIMENTS Potato OLD DUTCH Potato DORITOS Tortilla Chips ! Chips or Extraaal Flavour Chips 10-28 GSS Chips 200 2 279-2.99 ea

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