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Current flyer Staples - Back To School - Valid from 24.08 to 30.08 - Page nb 19

Flyer Staples 24.08.2022 - 30.08.2022

Products in this flyer

visit to shop these categories and more. Cr Tuco Re Ra Eero aT vice atedaT Cee Urol) ‘SHOP NOW > aero ee ‘computer components etc ee hcg) ‘SHOP NOW » Ered eae Rosen he ceiiay} ue kris warehouse and facilites Solas Red ol Selden staples!) the working and learning co. Forms and Conditions: All prices are n Canadian dollars Advertised offers are avaiable whvie Quantities last We reserve the og to lant quantities Notain checks Some advertaod ieens will be unavarlable at Lome ttores and may not be avelable through phone oniew OF Selvery orders Prices may vary by grograptwcal eee or onine All sizes Quoted aro approximate and toms may not be exactly as shown, Electronics may be subject to prowncial recycing fees AppĂ©cable tans are ped on gross payable amount. Staplos* isa ragatored trademark of Staples ULC, used under bcanse by Staples Canada. 4OAC Suiject to terms of the Pleat cardncider agreement. interest (mcAdng accrued mterest tor Setemed plans) st the cartroider agreement areiusl interest rate (31.99% - 37.99%, max 35% for Quebec residents) 6 it the promotion @ cancelled of expees mithout Al payment. Promotional piers and avaiable interest rates vary based on applicant's creditworthiness at time of application. fees may apply. ath an azociate tor details, Promos and terms may be changed without notice Gil Cards, pre-pard cards and postage: stamps cannot be hhanced Finanong prowded by Plenty Financat OAC. On your Staples FloxitCard Otter valid from July Ito September 30, 2022. Mieenem purchase of $299.99 betore tases apples. Ofer available in-store only Buy now, don't pay until 2024 (deferred payment) offer No payments are required dunng the promotions! penod, however interest at the cardholder agreement annual mtorost rate (Account AIR) accrues during the promo pened and wil be charged if the balance n not pad in tll by the promo expury date oF the promo n cancelled due to dotault Gn the account inital Account AIR m declosed upon approval vanet bated on Canghoiser s Credtworthuness at tne of appacation Current Account AIRS ate 31.99% and 39.99% Admin of $89.99 apples. Any balance at end of promo term bears anterest at the Account AR Thvs promotion 6 not available to Quebec residents. however other deterred interost sapien agus dat tgs mate soe aleateapuba Pas ie) sate ameter ey Pay vegan rente fal without notice Elgibaity s Preece Neten Winenneroo amen mI ENS fae tE ne NIINT ET NaN CONS NTN YT NE deovgn are trademarks "Delivery is free within local trade areas on orders with @ minurmymn waive of S35: orden under $35 wil be nutyect to.» $S.99 sheping charge Orders outside there local trade areas. may take longer to deliver and may result in a Leparate Gebvery charge based on weght and Getwery Gntance ** The coupon 1s valid #y-store and onine untd September JO. 2022 Lind of one coupon per perion per transaction Tha coupon cannot be combined with any avociate Gacount_ posi ty oon No Cash /credt back No copees or facsendes Offer valid m Canada onty Stapurs reserves the raght to lant quantities Addeional eachisons may apply, ask an astociate for dotads,

visit to shop these categories and more. Cr Tuco Re Ra Eero aT vice atedaT Cee Urol) ‘SHOP NOW > aero ee ‘computer components etc ee hcg) ‘SHOP NOW » Ered eae Rosen he ceiiay} ue kris warehouse and facilites Solas Red ol Selden staples!) the working and learning co. Forms and Conditions: All prices are n Canadian dollars Advertised offers are avaiable whvie Quantities last We reserve the og to lant quantities Notain checks Some advertaod ieens will be unavarlable at Lome ttores and may not be avelable through phone oniew OF Selvery orders Prices may vary by grograptwcal eee or onine All sizes Quoted aro approximate and toms may not be exactly as shown, Electronics may be subject to prowncial recycing fees AppĂ©cable tans are ped on gross payable amount. Staplos* isa ragatored trademark of Staples ULC, used under bcanse by Staples Canada. 4OAC Suiject to terms of the Pleat cardncider agreement. interest (mcAdng accrued mterest tor Setemed plans) st the cartroider agreement areiusl interest rate (31.99% - 37.99%, max 35% for Quebec residents) 6 it the promotion @ cancelled of expees mithout Al payment. Promotional piers and avaiable interest rates vary based on applicant's creditworthiness at time of application. fees may apply. ath an azociate tor details, Promos and terms may be changed without notice Gil Cards, pre-pard cards and postage: stamps cannot be hhanced Finanong prowded by Plenty Financat OAC. On your Staples FloxitCard Otter valid from July Ito September 30, 2022. Mieenem purchase of $299.99 betore tases apples. Ofer available in-store only Buy now, don't pay until 2024 (deferred payment) offer No payments are required dunng the promotions! penod, however interest at the cardholder agreement annual mtorost rate (Account AIR) accrues during the promo pened and wil be charged if the balance n not pad in tll by the promo expury date oF the promo n cancelled due to dotault Gn the account inital Account AIR m declosed upon approval vanet bated on Canghoiser s Credtworthuness at tne of appacation Current Account AIRS ate 31.99% and 39.99% Admin of $89.99 apples. Any balance at end of promo term bears anterest at the Account AR Thvs promotion 6 not available to Quebec residents. however other deterred interost sapien agus dat tgs mate soe aleateapuba Pas ie) sate ameter ey Pay vegan rente fal without notice Elgibaity s Preece Neten Winenneroo amen mI ENS fae tE ne NIINT ET NaN CONS NTN YT NE deovgn are trademarks "Delivery is free within local trade areas on orders with @ minurmymn waive of S35: orden under $35 wil be nutyect to.» $S.99 sheping charge Orders outside there local trade areas. may take longer to deliver and may result in a Leparate Gebvery charge based on weght and Getwery Gntance ** The coupon 1s valid #y-store and onine untd September JO. 2022 Lind of one coupon per perion per transaction Tha coupon cannot be combined with any avociate Gacount_ posi ty oon No Cash /credt back No copees or facsendes Offer valid m Canada onty Stapurs reserves the raght to lant quantities Addeional eachisons may apply, ask an astociate for dotads,

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