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Current flyer Staples - Valid from 05.10 to 11.10 - Page nb 15

Flyer Staples 05.10.2022 - 11.10.2022

Products in this flyer

visit to shop these categories and more. ink and toner office machines office supplies Eerie tern Cire Toy iy Eee elie furniture and hor Eacaedld computers and laptops SHOP NOW + computer accessories Sela el SHOP NO nL food and cleaning warehouse and facilites =SS2__ES OE ESS —E computer components OP NOW > ctronics and tech smart home and audio SHOP NOW > : health and safety Rueda else) SHOP NOW » rela ey g - et ac) staples the working and learning co. Terms and Conditions: Allprices are in Canadian dollars. A fast. the right Norain checks. Soma advertivod iene vl be unavatobe st some stoves and moy nt be avduble wou pone, oreo deiveyerders Prices tay vr by geogaphcs aie or ovine Al ses quoted 10 v Apphicable taxes are pad on gross payable amount. Staples® isaregatored tradomack of Staples ULC, used undericense by Staples Canada, "OAC. eee to tors of the Floxti cardholder agreement. Interest (ciuding accrued interest foe dateered plans) at the carcholder agreement annual imorest rate (31.99% = 37.97%, max 35% for Quebec residents) i charged if the promotion is cancelled or expires without full payment. Promotional plans and available interest rates vary tased on applicant's Annual Pes v out notice Git Cards, pre-paid cards and postage stamps. cannot be financed, Prnencig prondedby Fei enencat MOAC.Onyour! bandl2 rvs. 6monthsor 2 months: at time of purchase. pretest plans no paymants are required during the prom period, except for payment protection insurance premiuens and taxes # applicable which are billed monthiy. Interest at the cardholder agreement i nok paidin full by aime lapse Suet ioe SS NN yeaa scabs poe pecan aoe cat A ane tn pars applies tor ng Quebec rettents). terms may be changed without notice, These plans are not avaiable in Quebec Financing s sveltae for Qusbec readnts ifoeraniontsvatsble ok point-ol aie fax Account Alte 39%) Frrancine rowed by Fheati Financial, 6.C. Licanse No. 83660: Flenti, FlenitiCard and the Flasiti design are-trademars of Fiexiti Financial Inc. ““Dolivery is free within local trade areas on orders with a minimurn value of $35: ceders undor $35 will be subject toa $5.99 shipping charge, Orders outside these local trace areas may take longer to deliver and may result ina separate delwery charge based on woight and delivery distance. 4Minirum purchase requirement of $200.00 on Sohutionshop print services between October 5 and November |, 2022, to neceive the $50.00 Staples Gilt card towards your next instrepirce ‘One gilt card per transaction however, multiple purchases. of $200 can be made between October 5, 2022 to Noweenber |, 2022. For oniine purchases, Staples Gilt (Card will be received within 3-5 business days post purchase, Taxes and shipping are not included in calculating the minimum purchase. Staples Gift Card of $50.00 redeemable in-store only. Ian item is returned, which results in a purchase value under $200. the S50 Gilt Card rust be returned. Not applicable on prior purchases before October 5, 2022. Ofer @ecludes Shipping services, Shredding pick up service, git cards, postage stamps, seit-serve copying. Purchase value after applying any discounts, must equal or exceed $200 to quality for the gift card. Offer valid in Canada only. Staples reserves the Vapi tolrnk quantiles Addalonel exchulons mey appiyroskan aevociona for eval.

Latest flyers

visit to shop these categories and more. ink and toner office machines office supplies Eerie tern Cire Toy iy Eee elie furniture and hor Eacaedld computers and laptops SHOP NOW + computer accessories Sela el SHOP NO nL food and cleaning warehouse and facilites =SS2__ES OE ESS —E computer components OP NOW > ctronics and tech smart home and audio SHOP NOW > : health and safety Rueda else) SHOP NOW » rela ey g - et ac) staples the working and learning co. Terms and Conditions: Allprices are in Canadian dollars. A fast. the right Norain checks. Soma advertivod iene vl be unavatobe st some stoves and moy nt be avduble wou pone, oreo deiveyerders Prices tay vr by geogaphcs aie or ovine Al ses quoted 10 v Apphicable taxes are pad on gross payable amount. Staples® isaregatored tradomack of Staples ULC, used undericense by Staples Canada, "OAC. eee to tors of the Floxti cardholder agreement. Interest (ciuding accrued interest foe dateered plans) at the carcholder agreement annual imorest rate (31.99% = 37.97%, max 35% for Quebec residents) i charged if the promotion is cancelled or expires without full payment. Promotional plans and available interest rates vary tased on applicant's Annual Pes v out notice Git Cards, pre-paid cards and postage stamps. cannot be financed, Prnencig prondedby Fei enencat MOAC.Onyour! bandl2 rvs. 6monthsor 2 months: at time of purchase. pretest plans no paymants are required during the prom period, except for payment protection insurance premiuens and taxes # applicable which are billed monthiy. Interest at the cardholder agreement i nok paidin full by aime lapse Suet ioe SS NN yeaa scabs poe pecan aoe cat A ane tn pars applies tor ng Quebec rettents). terms may be changed without notice, These plans are not avaiable in Quebec Financing s sveltae for Qusbec readnts ifoeraniontsvatsble ok point-ol aie fax Account Alte 39%) Frrancine rowed by Fheati Financial, 6.C. Licanse No. 83660: Flenti, FlenitiCard and the Flasiti design are-trademars of Fiexiti Financial Inc. ““Dolivery is free within local trade areas on orders with a minimurn value of $35: ceders undor $35 will be subject toa $5.99 shipping charge, Orders outside these local trace areas may take longer to deliver and may result ina separate delwery charge based on woight and delivery distance. 4Minirum purchase requirement of $200.00 on Sohutionshop print services between October 5 and November |, 2022, to neceive the $50.00 Staples Gilt card towards your next instrepirce ‘One gilt card per transaction however, multiple purchases. of $200 can be made between October 5, 2022 to Noweenber |, 2022. For oniine purchases, Staples Gilt (Card will be received within 3-5 business days post purchase, Taxes and shipping are not included in calculating the minimum purchase. Staples Gift Card of $50.00 redeemable in-store only. Ian item is returned, which results in a purchase value under $200. the S50 Gilt Card rust be returned. Not applicable on prior purchases before October 5, 2022. Ofer @ecludes Shipping services, Shredding pick up service, git cards, postage stamps, seit-serve copying. Purchase value after applying any discounts, must equal or exceed $200 to quality for the gift card. Offer valid in Canada only. Staples reserves the Vapi tolrnk quantiles Addalonel exchulons mey appiyroskan aevociona for eval.

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