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Current flyer Tepperman's - Valid from 09.09 to 15.09 - Page nb 1

Flyer Tepperman's 09.09.2022 - 15.09.2022

Products in this flyer

AT TEPPERMAN’'S GREAVES COLLECTION SOFA CHAISE ‘Chair $498 DEALS ee LISA TIGHT TOP QUEEN MATTRESS, PLUS FOUNDATION, Aaa PLUS BED FRAME AND DREAM PILLOWS! year supply of laundry detergent with purchase of any AMANA washer/iryer pair ounce 4.0.CU.FT.TOP 6Scu.FT LOAD WASHER ELECTRIC DRYER ENTER FOR YOUR CHANCE WIN A Jeep Lafayette Queen 3-Piece Bed $698 Paisley Queen 3-Piece Storage Bed $698 Maverick 3-Piece Bed $698 QUEEN ARTHUR 6-PIECE DINING SET UMITED QUANTITIES 3-PIECE BED Includes table, 4 chairs, and bench. O% INTEREST. DON’T PAY FOR 3 YEARS! NO MONTHLY PAYMENTS! ach Nowember 7, 2022 “Actual vehicle may not be exactly a5 $15,000 # approximate value

Latest flyers

AT TEPPERMAN’'S GREAVES COLLECTION SOFA CHAISE ‘Chair $498 DEALS ee LISA TIGHT TOP QUEEN MATTRESS, PLUS FOUNDATION, Aaa PLUS BED FRAME AND DREAM PILLOWS! year supply of laundry detergent with purchase of any AMANA washer/iryer pair ounce 4.0.CU.FT.TOP 6Scu.FT LOAD WASHER ELECTRIC DRYER ENTER FOR YOUR CHANCE WIN A Jeep Lafayette Queen 3-Piece Bed $698 Paisley Queen 3-Piece Storage Bed $698 Maverick 3-Piece Bed $698 QUEEN ARTHUR 6-PIECE DINING SET UMITED QUANTITIES 3-PIECE BED Includes table, 4 chairs, and bench. O% INTEREST. DON’T PAY FOR 3 YEARS! NO MONTHLY PAYMENTS! ach Nowember 7, 2022 “Actual vehicle may not be exactly a5 $15,000 # approximate value

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