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Current flyer Thrifty Foods - Thanksgiving Day - Valid from 06.10 to 12.10 - Page nb 17

Flyer Thrifty Foods 06.10.2022 - 12.10.2022

Products in this flyer

Butterball Turkey Breast Roast Regular, Stuffed or Breast and Thigh Frozen, 1.2-1.5 kg 72 Compliments Extra Large Cooked Shrimp with Cocktail Sauce Frozen, 312.9 Whole Pineapple Large Product of Costa Rica \ Campbell's ampo y Broth ~ > 900 mlor , . Concentrated : a> Broth 250 ml Fart ont be boca =_— Appetizers e Frozen, 200-9079 Regular Retail: Bi Topped 999 sit: " Brioche Butter fopped Buns Starting at $5.99 Each ——: . Se em ot esi Vb: Coca-Cola 411 Donnie 2 6 12x355 ml@ Lay's pa Tostitos Potato Chips = = Tortilla Chips 220-235 g, 205-300 g Baked 177 g (Excludes or Poppables Simply) 1309 Classic or Lindt Classique Excellence Con Bats 50-100 g 42 General Mills Purex ony eee Bathroom Tissue Eaeake 3 8 oF 12=24'Rolls, SpongeTowels 526-778 g Cheerieas Saw 6 Rolls or re Scotties 2 Facial Tissue 6 Pack Pred wing vegetal base ns. Pease req yer where faces ex Wonderful Shelled Pistachios Selected, 155-170 g Regular Retail: $9.99 Each Sree of ee cr ese’ Philadelphia Cream Cheese 227-2509 Ce atnrsd 3¢° Tropicana Premium Orange Juice, Tropics, Lemonade or Pure Leaf Iced Tea ce 154-1751 @ ema) eas eis Ela pago ye eae

Latest flyers

Butterball Turkey Breast Roast Regular, Stuffed or Breast and Thigh Frozen, 1.2-1.5 kg 72 Compliments Extra Large Cooked Shrimp with Cocktail Sauce Frozen, 312.9 Whole Pineapple Large Product of Costa Rica \ Campbell's ampo y Broth ~ > 900 mlor , . Concentrated : a> Broth 250 ml Fart ont be boca =_— Appetizers e Frozen, 200-9079 Regular Retail: Bi Topped 999 sit: " Brioche Butter fopped Buns Starting at $5.99 Each ——: . Se em ot esi Vb: Coca-Cola 411 Donnie 2 6 12x355 ml@ Lay's pa Tostitos Potato Chips = = Tortilla Chips 220-235 g, 205-300 g Baked 177 g (Excludes or Poppables Simply) 1309 Classic or Lindt Classique Excellence Con Bats 50-100 g 42 General Mills Purex ony eee Bathroom Tissue Eaeake 3 8 oF 12=24'Rolls, SpongeTowels 526-778 g Cheerieas Saw 6 Rolls or re Scotties 2 Facial Tissue 6 Pack Pred wing vegetal base ns. Pease req yer where faces ex Wonderful Shelled Pistachios Selected, 155-170 g Regular Retail: $9.99 Each Sree of ee cr ese’ Philadelphia Cream Cheese 227-2509 Ce atnrsd 3¢° Tropicana Premium Orange Juice, Tropics, Lemonade or Pure Leaf Iced Tea ce 154-1751 @ ema) eas eis Ela pago ye eae

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