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Current flyer Thrifty Foods - Valid from 18.08 to 24.08 - Page nb 13

Flyer Thrifty Foods 18.08.2022 - 24.08.2022

Products in this flyer

BC Fresh Split Chicken Wings 7 ‘AN Flavours, Regular or Marinated biden 99 Bergen Farms Product of Surrey BC Strawberries tae $11.00/kg Grown in Qualicum ‘or Abbotsford R Du > Bergen Farms BC Strawberries Grown in Qualicum or Abbotsford 102 99" IMPERFECT. = eee ame MPERFECT. Snowcrest 9 Wonderful ated 7 =~ Pistachios Soon 7. 4 Perfectly 4, Selected, 155-450 g ‘ Imperfect Fruit s <8 eA oo ¥ me == 492° Vega One 349 scuss Blueberry Scones Nutritional Shake Selected Made with Bergen Berries 827-876 g 6 Pack, 500 g Barbara's Compliments Roasted eh. ch Cashews cleat eae" Salted or Deluxe Ji i a ES oct Mi N Kellogg's. or Smartfood [ae Ga a = a Cereal Popcorn —— : Selected Varieties 150-220 9 210-525 9 Clover Leaf Purex Tropicana Skipjack Tuna Bathroom re ( 170.9, Tissu Gop atenae! Flavoured Tuna 8 oF 12=24 Rolls, eee 859g Sponge Towels iced Coff P or Compliments 6 Rolls or es nf a re Pasta Scotties Tee 900g Facial Tissue 6 Pack s 179 eS re) en hd Gr i= Yoratt ty Miles eT Gale Miles Ben era : SS pee Dipps or Chewy \ winen you buy an Juice or Juice Blends 1L ea a Cire rane) i meer)

Latest flyers

BC Fresh Split Chicken Wings 7 ‘AN Flavours, Regular or Marinated biden 99 Bergen Farms Product of Surrey BC Strawberries tae $11.00/kg Grown in Qualicum ‘or Abbotsford R Du > Bergen Farms BC Strawberries Grown in Qualicum or Abbotsford 102 99" IMPERFECT. = eee ame MPERFECT. Snowcrest 9 Wonderful ated 7 =~ Pistachios Soon 7. 4 Perfectly 4, Selected, 155-450 g ‘ Imperfect Fruit s <8 eA oo ¥ me == 492° Vega One 349 scuss Blueberry Scones Nutritional Shake Selected Made with Bergen Berries 827-876 g 6 Pack, 500 g Barbara's Compliments Roasted eh. ch Cashews cleat eae" Salted or Deluxe Ji i a ES oct Mi N Kellogg's. or Smartfood [ae Ga a = a Cereal Popcorn —— : Selected Varieties 150-220 9 210-525 9 Clover Leaf Purex Tropicana Skipjack Tuna Bathroom re ( 170.9, Tissu Gop atenae! Flavoured Tuna 8 oF 12=24 Rolls, eee 859g Sponge Towels iced Coff P or Compliments 6 Rolls or es nf a re Pasta Scotties Tee 900g Facial Tissue 6 Pack s 179 eS re) en hd Gr i= Yoratt ty Miles eT Gale Miles Ben era : SS pee Dipps or Chewy \ winen you buy an Juice or Juice Blends 1L ea a Cire rane) i meer)

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