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Current flyer T&T Supermarket - Valid from 04.11 to 10.11 - Page nb 6

Flyer T&T Supermarket 04.11.2022 - 10.11.2022

Products in this flyer

T&T Private Label | Ke HE Fl Fi hth PP “pio was ‘T&T Sweet Potato Vermicelli (3 Selections) ‘T&T Preserved Vegetables (4 Selections) ‘T&T Chinese Style Sausages (Pork/ Pork and Chicken) ARBAB ATE (35K) ARB (45) ARB (F/R) “ aa ors. 69/ea88 ~ 2/49 a 2/4 0 aa TAT Juicy Dumpling (Original/Seafood) Taq Seaweed Roll (3 Selections) Lele eal ARPES (HA/BE) ARBBES (3H) 3609 685 8 ee (aR) zig 2/949 3 ORT 28a orkft.67 -2.39/ea88 T&T Brand Hawthorn Snack (4 (as Selections) T&T Black Sesame Dessert (3 Selections) TAT Fish Balls/ Fried Fish Balls ARB UGESKR (4) ARBRE (3K) ARN ARI HR ™ 2/550 ™ 2/g49 “ 2/698 orl2.99-3.99/ea orkt6.99/ea orf 99/ea Der te CN Ae sR aM Tan es ae UC tort

Latest flyers

T&T Private Label | Ke HE Fl Fi hth PP “pio was ‘T&T Sweet Potato Vermicelli (3 Selections) ‘T&T Preserved Vegetables (4 Selections) ‘T&T Chinese Style Sausages (Pork/ Pork and Chicken) ARBAB ATE (35K) ARB (45) ARB (F/R) “ aa ors. 69/ea88 ~ 2/49 a 2/4 0 aa TAT Juicy Dumpling (Original/Seafood) Taq Seaweed Roll (3 Selections) Lele eal ARPES (HA/BE) ARBBES (3H) 3609 685 8 ee (aR) zig 2/949 3 ORT 28a orkft.67 -2.39/ea88 T&T Brand Hawthorn Snack (4 (as Selections) T&T Black Sesame Dessert (3 Selections) TAT Fish Balls/ Fried Fish Balls ARB UGESKR (4) ARBRE (3K) ARN ARI HR ™ 2/550 ™ 2/g49 “ 2/698 orl2.99-3.99/ea orkt6.99/ea orf 99/ea Der te CN Ae sR aM Tan es ae UC tort

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