Products in this flyer
a eee ee a PC* bursting with Pc extrajlarge flavour blueberries green orred’ a productof-Peru seedless grape ie Mexico e product of U.S. 2778 no. 1 grade zsnonta B.80/K: 9003 Farmer's Market; carrots or onions product of Ontaner Canada no. 1 grade, product of Gapada zeoreiazent_€X 204061 Rie 2eesz7001 EAvzestrssitorlen ad yt ¥ : ee aS $5.99 ea. es ea | 7 s a PC* Chopped g salad kits or cold-pressed juice or breakfast shake: selected varieties, = product of Canada # 300 mL ‘2AMRTS21_EA/2I246650. EA, premium salad selected varieti product of U.S.A. 285-369 ¢ 20370031 _EAMZIN7EOS_EA G43 eee cplendiie: rod ‘15 pre-pack sauced wings with celery and carrots 728 2S32S56 2 } r=< = beected varietiesis 560-700 g 21056 EATING EA ae The Deli Noo g Maple Leaf big’Stick or i foo g / Farmer's Market 10 Ib bag product of Ontario, Carfad no. 1 grade or jum! cauliflower each > product of Canad Canada no. 1 grade ‘20138977001 EA/20bN1017001 EA Ty Ty Cherto tomatoes product of Ganada - 14 verre dn ruit tri-pacl . prepared fri ie in-store daily, selected vari \ 800 g-1.2 kg J sonar aren WLM from $ fs Gs in-store pizza or! sete flatbreads,” Parmigiano iw Schneiders blue ribbon ie, Reggiano cheese; ; service case.bologna product of Italiy i lsq0 kee HON =~ im deli cut 4 » SS 3G 20377023_KG = 4's PC" guacamole 227 ¢ or salsa Bom iio be catia Castello hav: cheddar or CASTELLO blue cheese 300-430 mL selected varicticoumafad(ag™ selected varietese - = 125-200 g egsrs Aree L weapegla 2OU2ESEA/21NSEDES EA faLua DOUCE ZEH2 varietioe Seen Foc 24's - Mo EA ieee
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