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Current flyer Zehrs - Valid from 01.09 to 07.09 - Page nb 4

Flyer Zehrs 01.09.2022 - 07.09.2022

Products in this flyer

Go eS 6” Black Diamond PC" Naturally —— e cheese bars 400 g. ‘Smoked bacon shredded cheese 320 ¢ selected varieties i ‘ : or Cheestrit 375/500 g oprnuar u sparking selected vert anny, wan Oasis 100% juice blends, pee eto Load to get’ For every $10* spent, get 7 Moat J i660 Nano drinkable yogurt 6x93 mL, Simply ie ‘co Hydrafruit or Allen's On the app or at 7 lemonade or Gold Peak juice or cocktails ieed tea 154-175 L Gar 200 mL, Kool-Aid \i J, relrgerated aa sarees eer 3 A: a Sens: Sas selected varieties ‘: when you buy 3 } 99 3/°750 feston3 i2a3en Kraft peanut butter Christie cookies 750 g/t kg or Kraft selected varieties hazelnut spread 725 ¢ 170-303 selected varieties nnewr caret ca sre Tanne oA Ss ~ Ya Nature Valley biscuit, - PC" The Decadent” E protein bars, chocolate chips Sweet & Salty 6's selected varieties 148-210 226-300 gor Fibre 1 bars 125 ¢ ‘eanun examen A selected varieties esmseue azn ‘Starbucks K-Cup 24's or é roast and ground selected varieties 4 J 794 g or frozen whole bean 907 g 259-365 g selected varieties Da CANS Maple Leaf flak6s"— selected varie 1 selected ema ce somomtl : Varieties i ‘es iG 1.36-2 kg oo Pepsi soft drinks selected varieties| 12: xX355 ML denen cuaenesee 62-174's ure 250 selected varieties reteset et i re ot ro a se te abit Aid esr ria an vic ste bates, sel ia. var by stone ation, ce ok ape ay Yay i ac lation,

Latest flyers

Go eS 6” Black Diamond PC" Naturally —— e cheese bars 400 g. ‘Smoked bacon shredded cheese 320 ¢ selected varieties i ‘ : or Cheestrit 375/500 g oprnuar u sparking selected vert anny, wan Oasis 100% juice blends, pee eto Load to get’ For every $10* spent, get 7 Moat J i660 Nano drinkable yogurt 6x93 mL, Simply ie ‘co Hydrafruit or Allen's On the app or at 7 lemonade or Gold Peak juice or cocktails ieed tea 154-175 L Gar 200 mL, Kool-Aid \i J, relrgerated aa sarees eer 3 A: a Sens: Sas selected varieties ‘: when you buy 3 } 99 3/°750 feston3 i2a3en Kraft peanut butter Christie cookies 750 g/t kg or Kraft selected varieties hazelnut spread 725 ¢ 170-303 selected varieties nnewr caret ca sre Tanne oA Ss ~ Ya Nature Valley biscuit, - PC" The Decadent” E protein bars, chocolate chips Sweet & Salty 6's selected varieties 148-210 226-300 gor Fibre 1 bars 125 ¢ ‘eanun examen A selected varieties esmseue azn ‘Starbucks K-Cup 24's or é roast and ground selected varieties 4 J 794 g or frozen whole bean 907 g 259-365 g selected varieties Da CANS Maple Leaf flak6s"— selected varie 1 selected ema ce somomtl : Varieties i ‘es iG 1.36-2 kg oo Pepsi soft drinks selected varieties| 12: xX355 ML denen cuaenesee 62-174's ure 250 selected varieties reteset et i re ot ro a se te abit Aid esr ria an vic ste bates, sel ia. var by stone ation, ce ok ape ay Yay i ac lation,

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