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Current flyer Fortinos - Valentine's Day - Valid from 02.02 to 08.02 - Page nb 1

Flyer Fortinos 02.02.2023 - 08.02.2023

Products in this flyer

¥ Air Chilled Ne Eri Acre 454g seedless romaine hearts Ib chocolate oranges 3 pack, product of 4:39/K¢ product of Spain er U.S.Avor Mexico, Pas Wa, PC® Pacific Se large white raw peeled shrimp 31-40 per Ib, frozen ss 8 400g . Huns 1 EES) Schneiders Juicy Jumbos Py wieners or smoked sausages On ee selected varieties all varieties 375/450 g 9 PC® Blue Menu? 9 , 991 Ib. heentetnbow teu ground chicken or turkey or tilapia fillets 229 each Ci os re Salted or Ve >” a peanuts” il : —— e a ae Gd 24.23/kg, Ceaetaa. - green French beans 400 g, product of Mexico or Guatemala or PC® mini potatoes 680 g, product of Canada, Canada no. 1 grade “apples 2.49/Ib 5.49/kg, Ib/ product of Ontario, @a. Canada Extra Fancy grade 5.49/kg Ziggy’s® ham honey maple 4 or Black Forest Zi deli sliced or shaved [Vite ss 1.76/100¢ 599 Brandt kolbassa all varieties 250g Wonder bread 570-675 g, y hotdog or |p Ng f hamburger _ buns 6-8 packs me P= weet all varieties; — \s: f strudel J) apple or aes | strawberry cheese each! 400-496 g FORT 1¢1

Latest flyers

¥ Air Chilled Ne Eri Acre 454g seedless romaine hearts Ib chocolate oranges 3 pack, product of 4:39/K¢ product of Spain er U.S.Avor Mexico, Pas Wa, PC® Pacific Se large white raw peeled shrimp 31-40 per Ib, frozen ss 8 400g . Huns 1 EES) Schneiders Juicy Jumbos Py wieners or smoked sausages On ee selected varieties all varieties 375/450 g 9 PC® Blue Menu? 9 , 991 Ib. heentetnbow teu ground chicken or turkey or tilapia fillets 229 each Ci os re Salted or Ve >” a peanuts” il : —— e a ae Gd 24.23/kg, Ceaetaa. - green French beans 400 g, product of Mexico or Guatemala or PC® mini potatoes 680 g, product of Canada, Canada no. 1 grade “apples 2.49/Ib 5.49/kg, Ib/ product of Ontario, @a. Canada Extra Fancy grade 5.49/kg Ziggy’s® ham honey maple 4 or Black Forest Zi deli sliced or shaved [Vite ss 1.76/100¢ 599 Brandt kolbassa all varieties 250g Wonder bread 570-675 g, y hotdog or |p Ng f hamburger _ buns 6-8 packs me P= weet all varieties; — \s: f strudel J) apple or aes | strawberry cheese each! 400-496 g FORT 1¢1

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