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Current flyer Longo's - Valid from 06.02 to 12.02 - Page nb 1

Flyer Longo's 06.02.2025 - 12.02.2025

Products in this flyer

EFFECTIVE FROM THURSDAY FEBRUARY 6™ TO WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 12™, 2025. 1499 PRE-ORDER‘ THIS WEEK MEMBERS SAVE OVER See online flyer for more deals. “Come visit our meat service case where we are offering Longo's Prime Grade Certified ‘Angus Beef - Canada’s highest grade of beef. Fresh cut daily!" Andrew, Meat Manager Longo’s Kitchener 9: from Canadian Product of Peru Prime Grade Longo's B80/kg Certified Angus Beef Top Sirloin Steak or Roast 33.05/kg 37? ORDER ON LONGOS.COM UNTIL LORIST QUALITY FOR LESS Etsruary 10" pick up n-store Charmin Ultra Wonderful Oka Original or Strong or Ultra Shelled Pistachios amy Chevalier Triple SoftBath Tissue | Se Sevore im ~ Fah wae Crime Cheese 12:48 rolls. selected varieties Cod Fillet 3G, Product of o Grindavik, Iceland —_ 9° 37.46/kg Dempster’s Sandwich 1 Bread 675g pkg, Hot Dog s oO licens thi Sepa Dengaies or “Hae bas lee Cream a 5 Tia Rosa Tortila's 7" me ee | Longo’ Dips se iy 450ml tub or sz = inn 299 tsesen Individual $3.49 Bpack a . a a $ selected varieties selected varieties == Longos ae. — a Black Diamon 9 ie Cheese Bar or Shreds irs 300-400g pkg selected varieties Pa: 2336 @ 49 ~ axon” 1OOOs OF ITEMS \. WAON

Latest flyers

EFFECTIVE FROM THURSDAY FEBRUARY 6™ TO WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 12™, 2025. 1499 PRE-ORDER‘ THIS WEEK MEMBERS SAVE OVER See online flyer for more deals. “Come visit our meat service case where we are offering Longo's Prime Grade Certified ‘Angus Beef - Canada’s highest grade of beef. Fresh cut daily!" Andrew, Meat Manager Longo’s Kitchener 9: from Canadian Product of Peru Prime Grade Longo's B80/kg Certified Angus Beef Top Sirloin Steak or Roast 33.05/kg 37? ORDER ON LONGOS.COM UNTIL LORIST QUALITY FOR LESS Etsruary 10" pick up n-store Charmin Ultra Wonderful Oka Original or Strong or Ultra Shelled Pistachios amy Chevalier Triple SoftBath Tissue | Se Sevore im ~ Fah wae Crime Cheese 12:48 rolls. selected varieties Cod Fillet 3G, Product of o Grindavik, Iceland —_ 9° 37.46/kg Dempster’s Sandwich 1 Bread 675g pkg, Hot Dog s oO licens thi Sepa Dengaies or “Hae bas lee Cream a 5 Tia Rosa Tortila's 7" me ee | Longo’ Dips se iy 450ml tub or sz = inn 299 tsesen Individual $3.49 Bpack a . a a $ selected varieties selected varieties == Longos ae. — a Black Diamon 9 ie Cheese Bar or Shreds irs 300-400g pkg selected varieties Pa: 2336 @ 49 ~ axon” 1OOOs OF ITEMS \. WAON

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