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Current flyer Safeway - Black Friday - Valid from 24.11 to 30.11 - Page nb 5

Flyer Safeway 24.11.2022 - 30.11.2022

Products in this flyer

Large Pomegranates — proauctof USA % be m x oi ' Steele * Lele} roe (ee) produtt of USATI3g ss Poet Parente) * PRODUCT 99 Sanaa gt the Valene een ae USA 4.14/ag. PRODUCT OF WESTERN CANADA COMPLIMENTS Carrots or Onions 2 Ib DAF rez ‘Stem and Leaf Clementines Matchstix Carrots product of Spain 6.59/kg. product of USA 283 g sll Rit beer Bringing our fresh grown to you! Try our three-cabbage PRODUCT OF WESTERN coleslaw ANADA Red or Green Cabbage 1.96 /kg Grape Tomatoes Variety Snacking FRESH ATTITUDE STARTING AT Tomatoes or Hirro Clementines 1D Baby ‘Spinach or Cherry Tomatoes B99 fete BOF eee 599 Seren. (49 eae. USA2Ib of Italy 454 g of USA 312g Mexico 680 g PANACHE Mistletoe Wish Ice Cream 15 Lor Pink j Peppermint and \ i Chocolate Bars os, 8k | 2 ‘ A Coloured Peppers QO rakivaniia Q9 compuments QD product of western 99 Persimmons Sweet Apple Cider Canada or Mexico Lemons product of USA 2 Ib product of Spain 908 g 2b bag COMPLIMENTS Candy Cane kee Cream 1.5L — e: ocd < ‘Seasonal Gardens ar Mixed or Tropical % OG mavperases 37 choose froma Fruit Salads Made Fresh Daily selection may lange selection of off assorted sizes off Yogurt Cups vary by store = iY cut flower bunches. ‘i 5 q CHAPMAN'S Holiday kee Cream 1.5L or Novelties 6-12 pk 7 GROWN IN por WESTERN se Premium inn sramrne st Felco 9 OD weruresourse ay BQ kulancrors G9 ccncnn rami POM WONDERFUL, Premium Nuts or Poinsettia assorted Pistachios 200-225 g Mixes 500-600 g Combo 8° ‘sizes available SHAW'S Peppermint Bark Holiday ice Cream | 1SL l ! Our Gift Cards « can| be ai any amount.

Large Pomegranates — proauctof USA % be m x oi ' Steele * Lele} roe (ee) produtt of USATI3g ss Poet Parente) * PRODUCT 99 Sanaa gt the Valene een ae USA 4.14/ag. PRODUCT OF WESTERN CANADA COMPLIMENTS Carrots or Onions 2 Ib DAF rez ‘Stem and Leaf Clementines Matchstix Carrots product of Spain 6.59/kg. product of USA 283 g sll Rit beer Bringing our fresh grown to you! Try our three-cabbage PRODUCT OF WESTERN coleslaw ANADA Red or Green Cabbage 1.96 /kg Grape Tomatoes Variety Snacking FRESH ATTITUDE STARTING AT Tomatoes or Hirro Clementines 1D Baby ‘Spinach or Cherry Tomatoes B99 fete BOF eee 599 Seren. (49 eae. USA2Ib of Italy 454 g of USA 312g Mexico 680 g PANACHE Mistletoe Wish Ice Cream 15 Lor Pink j Peppermint and \ i Chocolate Bars os, 8k | 2 ‘ A Coloured Peppers QO rakivaniia Q9 compuments QD product of western 99 Persimmons Sweet Apple Cider Canada or Mexico Lemons product of USA 2 Ib product of Spain 908 g 2b bag COMPLIMENTS Candy Cane kee Cream 1.5L — e: ocd < ‘Seasonal Gardens ar Mixed or Tropical % OG mavperases 37 choose froma Fruit Salads Made Fresh Daily selection may lange selection of off assorted sizes off Yogurt Cups vary by store = iY cut flower bunches. ‘i 5 q CHAPMAN'S Holiday kee Cream 1.5L or Novelties 6-12 pk 7 GROWN IN por WESTERN se Premium inn sramrne st Felco 9 OD weruresourse ay BQ kulancrors G9 ccncnn rami POM WONDERFUL, Premium Nuts or Poinsettia assorted Pistachios 200-225 g Mixes 500-600 g Combo 8° ‘sizes available SHAW'S Peppermint Bark Holiday ice Cream | 1SL l ! Our Gift Cards « can| be ai any amount.

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