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Current flyer Safeway - Black Friday - Valid from 24.11 to 30.11 - Page nb 7

Flyer Safeway 24.11.2022 - 30.11.2022

Products in this flyer

SAN DANIELE Prosciutto selected varieties 2 A00.g 2 /\00 9 5 59 MASTRO MASTRO SAN DANIELE MASTRO Salami Capocollo “| Prosciutto with Prosciutto, selected senses & ' 1008 Sopressata varieties | selected Selmi Hot Salami 125 g a ~ asm 5 @ a & Natural & natura Ea Rosberg h prone tT] é - w 2 Np == 0=6) MAPLE LEAF Natural Selections Sliced Deli Meats selected 8 Brie 2C 150. COMPLIMENTS Ricotta 4 Cheese Balls 212 g, with Scenes Card PANACHE Aged * Scenes, Cheddar 2, 3, 4 or 99 Cord Syears 225g 6 PILLER’S Charcuterie, Cervelat, Alpen or Speck selected 125-175 g 499 COOKIES UNITED Gingerbread House Kit 765 g AQ Scone+ Card 99 without BACKERHAUS VEIT 4 Scene* Signature Buns or 99 oat 99 Cord STUYVER'S Ciabatta or GODIVA Mini Chocolate Half Dessert Cakes apk 30S S008 House 198 g 520-695 g when you buy! Pee} Oa eal =9 9. 7 ¢ = 99 PANACHE Crisps COMPLIMENTS Loaf COMPLIMENTS Muffins honeycrisp apple crisp or Cake 344-390 g 4-6 pk 400-600 g bumbleberry frozen 850 g K ie Posi ta) : s ING 199 COMPLIMENTS Baguettes ~ A 2 9 Dinner, Tray or Butter Topped 5 49 Mountain Grain or Good Haven white or multigrain 300 g Buns 12 pk 400-535 g Bread 450-600 g Plea od when you buy Sign up

SAN DANIELE Prosciutto selected varieties 2 A00.g 2 /\00 9 5 59 MASTRO MASTRO SAN DANIELE MASTRO Salami Capocollo “| Prosciutto with Prosciutto, selected senses & ' 1008 Sopressata varieties | selected Selmi Hot Salami 125 g a ~ asm 5 @ a & Natural & natura Ea Rosberg h prone tT] é - w 2 Np == 0=6) MAPLE LEAF Natural Selections Sliced Deli Meats selected 8 Brie 2C 150. COMPLIMENTS Ricotta 4 Cheese Balls 212 g, with Scenes Card PANACHE Aged * Scenes, Cheddar 2, 3, 4 or 99 Cord Syears 225g 6 PILLER’S Charcuterie, Cervelat, Alpen or Speck selected 125-175 g 499 COOKIES UNITED Gingerbread House Kit 765 g AQ Scone+ Card 99 without BACKERHAUS VEIT 4 Scene* Signature Buns or 99 oat 99 Cord STUYVER'S Ciabatta or GODIVA Mini Chocolate Half Dessert Cakes apk 30S S008 House 198 g 520-695 g when you buy! Pee} Oa eal =9 9. 7 ¢ = 99 PANACHE Crisps COMPLIMENTS Loaf COMPLIMENTS Muffins honeycrisp apple crisp or Cake 344-390 g 4-6 pk 400-600 g bumbleberry frozen 850 g K ie Posi ta) : s ING 199 COMPLIMENTS Baguettes ~ A 2 9 Dinner, Tray or Butter Topped 5 49 Mountain Grain or Good Haven white or multigrain 300 g Buns 12 pk 400-535 g Bread 450-600 g Plea od when you buy Sign up

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