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Current flyer Staples - Valid from 05.10 to 11.10 - Page nb 5

Flyer Staples 05.10.2022 - 11.10.2022

Products in this flyer

October business mon speedy. secure. simple. @> chromebook switch to Chromebook 999 33*3/month 12 mont payments, Chromebook Laptop pol* Penitiure’® N6OOO, Chrome OS sons: -natO20ce / Reg.49979 ea WHO | 668 | rece Speedy performance, robust security and convenient features. ® ee Hot Buy | 279.99 199.99 Chromebook 14 Sbromsloek 140000 Processor a 109.399.99 ing Intel® Celeran® N3350 Processor Ti CMIROGENA f=] wo | 4cB | “ce a ISSFHD | ase | 3268 TECH SERVICES ~ {2 = getunlimited remote tech support solutionshop eon ) wherever you need it. Featuring int 2975876..\4a Extensive Tech Support coverage from diagnostic assessment and virus removal, to data back up. Cos SS f Only $19.99*/ month - Score ame COMM aC slim, stylish, with smooth performance CEP HE Windows SE FE Windows 619.99 Save $80 F + 51° /month 599.99 tn egesioey eg. 679.09 ons te a g intel 0 sasevon te ese Rs 3002262. 7C-1160-€S12/ is/ie7386 ve $230 / 7 307 50°/month ven-eSiaye7 No etd «By 9 monitors > click here for more optimize your computer's performance with the right monitor. SAMSUNG 179% 24° FHD IPS Monitor 2987082._LF24T3SOFHNKZA / Reg. 249.99 ®@ a UPS @LG Save $20 £ , Save $40 159.99 229.99 22° FHD IPS Monitor 5 32°Class FHDIPS Monitor 3010078..622t Rep 17999 E 2000086 -326NS00M-8 / Reg, 269.99 Yew Did you know? € THE ovp IM+ people go without basic needs like food so that san ato ie ‘escription: FETT HARE TRE FOTURE they can afford to fill their prescriptions. FAIR FOR EVERYONE. EARNMORE »

Latest flyers

October business mon speedy. secure. simple. @> chromebook switch to Chromebook 999 33*3/month 12 mont payments, Chromebook Laptop pol* Penitiure’® N6OOO, Chrome OS sons: -natO20ce / Reg.49979 ea WHO | 668 | rece Speedy performance, robust security and convenient features. ® ee Hot Buy | 279.99 199.99 Chromebook 14 Sbromsloek 140000 Processor a 109.399.99 ing Intel® Celeran® N3350 Processor Ti CMIROGENA f=] wo | 4cB | “ce a ISSFHD | ase | 3268 TECH SERVICES ~ {2 = getunlimited remote tech support solutionshop eon ) wherever you need it. Featuring int 2975876..\4a Extensive Tech Support coverage from diagnostic assessment and virus removal, to data back up. Cos SS f Only $19.99*/ month - Score ame COMM aC slim, stylish, with smooth performance CEP HE Windows SE FE Windows 619.99 Save $80 F + 51° /month 599.99 tn egesioey eg. 679.09 ons te a g intel 0 sasevon te ese Rs 3002262. 7C-1160-€S12/ is/ie7386 ve $230 / 7 307 50°/month ven-eSiaye7 No etd «By 9 monitors > click here for more optimize your computer's performance with the right monitor. SAMSUNG 179% 24° FHD IPS Monitor 2987082._LF24T3SOFHNKZA / Reg. 249.99 ®@ a UPS @LG Save $20 £ , Save $40 159.99 229.99 22° FHD IPS Monitor 5 32°Class FHDIPS Monitor 3010078..622t Rep 17999 E 2000086 -326NS00M-8 / Reg, 269.99 Yew Did you know? € THE ovp IM+ people go without basic needs like food so that san ato ie ‘escription: FETT HARE TRE FOTURE they can afford to fill their prescriptions. FAIR FOR EVERYONE. EARNMORE »

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