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Current flyer Thrifty Foods - Labour Day - Valid from 01.09 to 07.09 - Page nb 6

Flyer Thrifty Foods 01.09.2022 - 07.09.2022

Products in this flyer

3°99 a Rolelet re, Monsieur Gustav Burger Fine n006 al Product of France Cheese y Tasting Set 1249 nm BEST eed Monsieur Gustav Blue Cheese 100'g, Cheddar 250g or Swiss 170 g CHEDDAR Ita Ths) 29 Pp Lesley Stowe % Raincoast Crisps ‘o Selected, 100-150 g aru — Deli Prepackaged Olives Selected Varieties 2509 *See in Store for Pricing 229 a each Random Panache r Black Fi Ham ag aleiath ck Forest Ha Freybe Mastro. 2? Dry Pepperoni ae * ' Salami EACH Selected, 500 g Prey Assorted Varieties aga Maple Leaf Natirral Selections Sliced Deli Meats Selected, 150-175 g $7.99 Each” SUSHI E Tugs 2 = 124 presen Roll g 4 ete Baa i 62 , California Salad Roll 198.9

Latest flyers

3°99 a Rolelet re, Monsieur Gustav Burger Fine n006 al Product of France Cheese y Tasting Set 1249 nm BEST eed Monsieur Gustav Blue Cheese 100'g, Cheddar 250g or Swiss 170 g CHEDDAR Ita Ths) 29 Pp Lesley Stowe % Raincoast Crisps ‘o Selected, 100-150 g aru — Deli Prepackaged Olives Selected Varieties 2509 *See in Store for Pricing 229 a each Random Panache r Black Fi Ham ag aleiath ck Forest Ha Freybe Mastro. 2? Dry Pepperoni ae * ' Salami EACH Selected, 500 g Prey Assorted Varieties aga Maple Leaf Natirral Selections Sliced Deli Meats Selected, 150-175 g $7.99 Each” SUSHI E Tugs 2 = 124 presen Roll g 4 ete Baa i 62 , California Salad Roll 198.9

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