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Current flyer Thrifty Foods - Labour Day - Valid from 01.09 to 07.09 - Page nb 9

Flyer Thrifty Foods 01.09.2022 - 07.09.2022

Products in this flyer

Panache Premium Drink Mixers 4x200 ml é 2 as Dare Bear Paws Cookies 168-240 g Viva Puffs 300 9 or Wagon Wheels Old Dutch Restaurante Tortilla Chips | 2" 7) | 230-320 g ee | Silk Almond or cH Coconut Yogurt 640-680g acd Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips 255-283 g Were this symbol appears, deposit & envio levies are applicable a £ ee 27 Bites Ss Mio, Crystal ‘ nN 49 i Street Legal Light, Tang b= an Non-Alcoholic of Kool-Aid ‘ase IPAorPilsner Gg SS = 2 Wea? Ej aj Water Loxton pao Enhancers Joo Non-Alcoholic 48 mlor Wines, Crystals Moscato 24-549 or Sparkling Brut 750 ml 29 246 Christie Leclerc Crispers Go Pure Bars or Bits & Bites Compliments 140 g ot Selected Honey Choco Varieties Graham Max Bars 145q Wafers 1609 408 g 2/: 8 2/ ‘7 242 ecole Stacy's D ORI ren Ase. Humpty: Pita Chips Jack Link's pe Loeohe Dumpty or 208-227 Jerky : Smart Sweets \ aici 9, Oe eutEh Hostess 65-809 Candy jee Sy inacks Hexen Sue or Lorissa’s 50 88 265-290 9 wsgor Kitchen iy } * EH (Excludes Rold Gold Jerky JACK LINKS Party Mix) Pretzels 63g 3 198-370 g 5 62° . Gardein Just Egg Sir Meatless Entrées Plant-Based ===. || Kensington’s 226-390 g or Egg Gourmet Healthy Choice 3559 JU payonnae Power Bowls ST 354 ml pees o Egs = aa 5 —— & EACH —- EACH Bob's Red Mill Chosen Foods +. 3 Riceworks Kinnikinnick All-Purpose Salad Dressing Chesen || Sea Salt S'moreables Unbleached 237 ml Rice Crisps Graham White Flour 1859 Style 2.27kg Crackers 2209

Latest flyers

Panache Premium Drink Mixers 4x200 ml é 2 as Dare Bear Paws Cookies 168-240 g Viva Puffs 300 9 or Wagon Wheels Old Dutch Restaurante Tortilla Chips | 2" 7) | 230-320 g ee | Silk Almond or cH Coconut Yogurt 640-680g acd Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips 255-283 g Were this symbol appears, deposit & envio levies are applicable a £ ee 27 Bites Ss Mio, Crystal ‘ nN 49 i Street Legal Light, Tang b= an Non-Alcoholic of Kool-Aid ‘ase IPAorPilsner Gg SS = 2 Wea? Ej aj Water Loxton pao Enhancers Joo Non-Alcoholic 48 mlor Wines, Crystals Moscato 24-549 or Sparkling Brut 750 ml 29 246 Christie Leclerc Crispers Go Pure Bars or Bits & Bites Compliments 140 g ot Selected Honey Choco Varieties Graham Max Bars 145q Wafers 1609 408 g 2/: 8 2/ ‘7 242 ecole Stacy's D ORI ren Ase. Humpty: Pita Chips Jack Link's pe Loeohe Dumpty or 208-227 Jerky : Smart Sweets \ aici 9, Oe eutEh Hostess 65-809 Candy jee Sy inacks Hexen Sue or Lorissa’s 50 88 265-290 9 wsgor Kitchen iy } * EH (Excludes Rold Gold Jerky JACK LINKS Party Mix) Pretzels 63g 3 198-370 g 5 62° . Gardein Just Egg Sir Meatless Entrées Plant-Based ===. || Kensington’s 226-390 g or Egg Gourmet Healthy Choice 3559 JU payonnae Power Bowls ST 354 ml pees o Egs = aa 5 —— & EACH —- EACH Bob's Red Mill Chosen Foods +. 3 Riceworks Kinnikinnick All-Purpose Salad Dressing Chesen || Sea Salt S'moreables Unbleached 237 ml Rice Crisps Graham White Flour 1859 Style 2.27kg Crackers 2209

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